High Efficiency Solar Cells For Manufacturers



Green Energy Solar Energy!

Top 10 Reasons to Go Solar

It used to be that when it came to powering your life you didn’t have a choice, the power company had a monopoly: pay your electric bill or live in the dark! Now you have a choice, so let’s look at the benefits of switching to Solar.

  • Dramatically reduce or ELIMINATE your electric utility bill.
  • Get a fixed payment, avoid the yearly 6% price hikes.
  • Increase the value of your home!
  • Save thousands on your Federal Taxes.
    We think this is reason enough to go solar all by itself.
  • Become more energy independent.
  • Enjoy the lifestyle you want at a price you can afford.
    Remember electricity powers most of what you enjoy in modern life.
  • Power your life with sunshine – the cleanest form of power!
  • Support jobs in your local community.
  • Help increase the supply of domestically produced energy.
  • Protect yourself from future fuel shortages and energy crises.

Sustainable, Reliable & Affordable Energy!

Providing Value To Our ClientsThrough Ongoing Product & Innovation.

While improving the yield and performance of solar energy products, our PV industry experience enables us to provide in-depth material sourcing, financing and supply chain expertise for every step.

Raw polycrystalline silicon for PV manufacturing. Offered in various grades and formats including chunks, chips, powder and ingot.